One small step [ 2011-04-18, 11:31 p.m. ]

The legs are feeling a bit better but I'm glad I was off today. My ankle finally stopped being all puffy. My shift on Sunday was about 7 hours which I think is all my body could handle. My hips were sore and my lower back was starting to ache. But I work tomorrow and then I'm off on Wed and Thur. So I'm sure I'll be better by Friday. Luckily enough we are closed on Easter Sunday which hasn't happened for me in ages. The bookstore was always open which was stupid since we never made much money.

By the way, I forgot to mention that I lost 14 pounds! Without trying! I was still eating crap. But with the work I was doing which was some physical labor in setting up the store I was actually moving around. Which I had not been doing much of. So now I'm trying to be good about my lunches at work but it's a struggle. I'm trying to find a good balance of calories/fat to actually satisfying my blood sugar level. I've been doing the Healthy Choice steamer meals which are delish with a fruit cup. But I need to add something more that isn't a candy bar! It's a work in progress. Otherwise, I'm still eating crap at home. Small steps.

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Ryan Adams
