Moving on [ 2022-04-10, 11:50 a.m. ]

I recently reread my entries here from around the beginning. Which was a long time ago. I’m so grateful that I wrote down so much of what I experienced back in the 2000’s. A little bit in the 2010’s. I’m going to try to update regularly here. It might not be everyday but I want to at least try for a few times a week.

After Dad died,my Mom and I moved into a smaller house (rental). It wasn’t always the best place but we were comfortable there. We lived there for 8 years. Then a company bought our house and the 4 next to us and evicted all of us. We were on a month to month lease by then. Partly because of covid but it seems they wanted it that way so they wouldn’t have any legal reason we couldn’t be booted out. So,then we had 2 months to find a place. They sent us this notice around Christmas time,btw.

My sis,Mandy,lives in a small town about an hour outside of Charlotte and she’d been wanting us to live closer to her. We found a small bungalow that was just renovated. It was built in 1936. It’s a cute house but it is small. Therefore,we had to do a lot of downsizing. Both of my sisters helped us quite a bit in going through things before we moved.

Anyway,it’s been a month and a half since we moved in. I’m feeling more comfortable every day.

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Ryan Adams
