
cat - 2005-04-21 03:20:48
I hope things...well, I was going to say "go well tomorrow" but since you want it to blow, I say "Blow away." I'm terribly sorry you're feeling low and I completely understand the difficulty achieving the time/energy Zen zone. And who wants to spend their free time working on resumes? Ech! I can't say I ever did...I wish I could offer some help, but my work history was so short, composing my resume never took long. Sheesh, I'm not helping at all am I? a nice big piece of good Belgian chocolate and call me in the morning. :-D
Jules - 2005-04-21 10:08:53
I'm thinking about you today. Good luck...or should I say bad luck? Errr, whichever you'd rather have just know that I'm thinking of you and hoping that your day goes the way you want it to.

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