
Kungfukitten - 2006-08-31 03:19:26
I'll trade you a cookie for a diet coke.
VibingHigh - 2006-08-31 08:16:03
Yeah, I'll trade you this bottle of water for that cookie.
Kaire - 2006-08-31 08:37:29
I cannot stand Vincent! I love Kayne, but the boy is Liberace when it comes to the style. That show is one of my secret loves :)
lap - 2006-08-31 11:21:30
Loooove Jeffrey- because he IS an egotist, but more as a motivating factor, because he's really talented. Even he's least successful garment was well constructed. I loved that they shipped them off to Paris Parsons! I totally didn't expect it and I was like WHOO! It was such a nice suprise! I also think that Laura made big style strides yesterday with modernizing her classic style- I loooooved the way she draped the top bodice on that dress, it was really exactly the update she needed to keep moving forward. LOVE her. I actually loved Angela's silohuette on the runway, but her fabric choice was SO unfortunate- but on a certain level I almost thought Kayne's was worse because it was so costumey- I was torn because I would have done that applique myself, but it came out wrong for Kayne's- the cut of his pant was really weird too.
lap - 2006-08-31 11:24:13
DEFINITELY go to that writers meeting, if only because it will be so good for your spirit to be able to hobnob with other music fans who have your great fan energy and all. I think you'll have fun and it's that great kind of structured event that social with a purpose. I wish I could go WITH you! PS- I am so sad that Dean Winter's character died on Rescue Me. He is totally my tv boyfriend..he better be a ghost next season.

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